Spacecode Pad

Spacecode Pad for RFID Inventory Management
The Spacecode Pad is a compact desctop RFID reader that speedily reads and identifies healthcare products from blood bags to stents with attached RFID/LED tags.

Designed for process management steps for administration, item verification or tag issuing procedures. 

Technology description

The Spacecode Pad is a compact RFID reader designed to monitor and count single or multiple items in rapid and repetitive processes in a defined orientation. 
It enables speedy association of RFID/LED tag with items in the user’s ERP.

The Spacecode Pad is used in the healthcare industry to facilitate processing and track-and-trace for a variety of items including: blood bags, caths, pharmaceutical packages, stents and specimens to ensure product maintenance, tracking expiration dates and patient safety.

Between 1 to 10 items can be placed on the Spacecode Pad simultaneously and the LED ‘pick to light’ feature will indicate the specific item being sought.